Fighting Spirit Magazine features DEFY

Famed UK Wrestling magazine features DEFY in their most recent print / digital edition

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Rey Mysterio graces the cover of the most recent issue of Fighting Spirit Magazine, this UK glossy covers the highlights of the Wrestling world and now, features reviews of DEFY Wrestling events.

This issue DEFY NEW LEGACY from Portland, Oregon is featured and is available in print and for all your devices by searching your app store for Fighting Spirit Magazine. 

“Strickland vs. Allin is an invigorating battle and one of the better singles matches either man has had all year, which is quite the compliment”

- Jack Stevenson FSM

You can follow FSM on twitter @FSM_Editor


DEFY partners with Mary's Place to help raise funds for new rapid exit shelter in Seattle!


VIDEO: Johnny Defyance, meet Weirdo Hero. Watch a new DEFYNOW!